Insta – POPULISM / Marina Abramović – CSW ,Toruń, Poland – 8.03.2019 – ENG

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POPULISM done on the Polish historical painting „Battle of Grunwald” of Jan Matejko. . The painting responds to the showing off cultural policy of CoCA in Toruń in Poland and the city government that finances commercial, celebrity or even claptrap art, and attempts to control culture by extremely religious communities. . With this painting I was protesting in front of CoCA in Toruń in Poland, during the vernissage of Marina Abramović. In front of CoCA Gallery there was the Rosary Crusade praying against "surrendering Poland to the cult of Satan" too because Marina is recognized by the Polish ultra-Catholics as a satanist. Toruń, Poland / 8.03.2019 . #polityka #kultura #krucjata #chrystus #religion #politics #matejko #grunwald #marina #abramovic / #strike #protest #demonstration #artist #contemporaryart #modernart #visualart #conceptualart #fineart #black #painting #photo #picture / #artnow #artfair #artlovers #artcollector #artinfo #art / #parasite

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Insta – Młodzieżowy Strajk Klimatyczny / YouthStrike4Climate ,Toruń, Poland – 15.03.2019 – ENG

Insta – POPULISM – Marina Abramović / CSW Torun – 8.03.2019 – ENG

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POPULIZM (english below) // Obraz w odpowiedzi na fasadową politykę kulturalną CSW w Toruniu i miasta, które finansuje sztukę komercyjną i celebrycką czy efekciarską oraz na próby sterowania kultury przez środowiska skrajnie religijne. Zdjęcie zrobione pod CSW w Toruniu, w tle Krucjata Różańcowa modląca się przeciwko "poddaniu Polski kultowi szatana" w trakcie wernisażu Mariny Abramović, która została uznana przez polskie ultra-katolickie środowisko za satanistkę. . POPULISM // The painting responds to the cultural policy of CoCA in Toruń, Poland and the city that finances commercial, celebrity or even glitzy art, and attempts to control culture by extremely religious communities. Photo taken in front of CoCA in Toruń, Poland, in the background is the Rosary Crusade praying against "surrendering Poland to the cult of Satan" during the vernissage of Marina Abramović which is recognized by the Polish ultra-Catholics as a satanist. . Toruń, Poland 8.03.2019 / photo Marek Krupecki . #csw #toruń #polityka #kultura #krucjata #chrystus #religion #politics #marina #abramovic / #strike #protest #demonstration #public #painting #photo #architecture / #black #word #space #picture #parasite #art #contemporaryart #artnow #artist #artinfo #modernart #visualart

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Insta – Manifa Toruń – 9.03.2019 – ENG

Insta – Stop hunt – 20.02.2019 – eng

Insta – Obrazy z pchlego targu – Arek Parasite / Arek Pasożyt – 6.02.2019 – eng

Insta – Striking Ermine with Lady – Arek Pasożyt / Arek Parasite – 10.01.2018 – eng

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Insta ENG – apatia produkcyjna